April 9, 2024
My Book Was Read in Auschwitz

The greatest possible honor my work could feasibly receive, and the finest honor imaginable that could be granted to my family, has come to pass.

My book, Zaidy's War, was read in Auschwitz.

Particularly, the chapter where I chronicle my family's arrival, and immediate termination.

Poignantly, my dear daughter read it with grace to her classmates.

I couldn't be prouder of her, and I couldn't feel her love more deeply.

She was also honored with chronicling the day's events for the school, where she captured her thoughts for the daily newsletter. We have that for posterity too.

And to think, this trip was a postponement! The original date? October 8, 2023. But the world tore itself asunder the day prior, and the visit had to be pushed to 6 months later. The school made sure not to forget about the trip, but to make it happen.

In the same vein, let's not forget about our hostages, who have been terrorized for these same 6 months. The girls are headed home now. Let everyone head home soon.

I can't thank the school enough.

Am Yisrael chai.