
Hi! Since launching Zaidy's War and This Haggadah is the Way: A Star Wars Unofficial Passover Parody, I've been on a whirlwind in-person book tour through various parts of NY...

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The seders are over, as is my feverish haggadah interlude. 'Twas an amazing season.

Now I need to get back to what I was doing before I launched This Haggadah is The Way: A Star...

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Hi! Every year, I send out an annual pre-Passover e-mail filled with all the wonderful media attention I've received for whatever latest haggadah I've published.

This year,...

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The greatest possible honor my work could feasibly receive, and the finest honor imaginable that could be granted to my family, has come to pass.

My book, Zaidy's War, was read...

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I submitted the cover for This Haggadah is The Way: A Star Wars Unofficial Passover Parody in a contest, and I've made the cut in several rounds, but it's now getting a...

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No sooner did one giveaway grant 5 books to 5 lucky contestants, that another one begins!

Dive in for a free copy of This Haggadah is The Way: A Star Wars Unofficial Passover...

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No sooner did I announce the launch of my new website, https://martinbodekbooks.com, that an intrepid young man reached out to inform me that on a recent visit to the Library of...

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Fellow Earthlings, it is with extreme joy that I announce the launch of my (some say, ridiculously overdue) author website. I bring you:


I've been...

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I've conducted book giveaways before, but I have never garnered as much interest as there is for This Haggadah is The Way: A Star Wars Unofficial Passover Parody. You have an...

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Come on down to Belfer Hall, Room 205, where I'll present the history of The Emoji Haggadah, The Festivus Haggadah, The Coronavirus Haggadah, and The Shakespeare Haggadah, and...

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