The Emoji Haggadah
Emojis are the hieroglyphics of the 21st century, so have a blast deciphering the traditional Haggadah text written in a most untraditional format - entirely in emojis! Tips for decoding are included at the end of The Emoji Haggadah, along with the full traditional Hebrew and English Haggadah text.
New Jersey Jewish News: The Haggadah, symbolically speaking
Jewish Link of NJ: First-Ever Emoji Haggadah Heralds a Symbolic Pesach
Jewish Vues: Q&A with the Author of the New Emoji Haggadah, Martin Bodek, Page 20
VINnews: First-Ever Emoji Hagada Hits Store Shelves In Time For Passover
Jewish Book Council: Emojis and Exodus: An Interview with Martin Bodek For Passover, wacky Haggadahs feature zombies, Mrs. Maisel, President Trump, more
The New York Times: The Rise of the D.I.Y. Haggadah
Reviews, Essays, and Name-Drops:
Forward: A New Haggadah Tells Passover Story In Emojis Entirely
Forward: The Best New Haggadot And The Best Of All Time
Institute of Southern Jewish Life: Unique Haggadot to Liven Up Your Seder
Orthodox Union: Book Review: The Emoji Haggadah
J-Wire: Oh No— Not another Haggadah
Vox: How Harry Potter and emoji became part of Passover
The Jewish Press: New Haggadah Suggestions
Jüdische Allgemeine: Emojis, Hogwarts und Exodus: Alternative Haggadot werden immer beliebter – nicht nur bei jungen Lesern
Kol Emunah: How is a Haggadah like a Pocketbook?
Brandeis University: Customize Your Seder and Raise a Glass to Mrs. Cowen
The Evangelical Covenant Church: Five for Friday: Forgiving Tiger, Eating Muskrat During Lent, Emoji Haggadah
Jewish Chicago: Specialized Haggadot to make your Passover different from all other Passovers
Forward: After 14 years reviewing haggadahs, our expert dishes on the good, bitter and wacky
yiddishkeit: STRANGEST Haggadahs Ever Made
Praise for this book
If there was an award for most unique Haggadah, that would certainly go to ''The Emoji Haggadah'' by Martin Bodek…While this Haggadah is likely best for the under-35 crowd, it could also be a great way for grandchildren to interact with their older, and often emoji-oblivious, grandparents…One of the children mentioned in the Haggadah is the one who does not know how to ask a question. At the Seder, try using ''The Emoji Haggadah'' and you may find out they do indeed know who to ask. It's just a matter of finding the right approach to use, and for some, ''The Emoji Haggadah'' could be that approach.
If you (and maybe your Gen Z kids) are looking for a challenge, this haggadah is written entirely in Emojis, down to the page number. If you'd rather decode Emojis than Hebrew, this could be fun for you. Or, it could just be a fun coffee table book.
It’s the illustrated Haggadah like you’ve never seen it before, and it’s bound to cause conversation at your Seder.
It's a Haggadah. Written in emojis. Completely...The Emoji Haggadah has been quite the conversation starter on my desk. I can only imagine that it will have the same effect on your coffee table.
This Haggadah will keep your entire family busy decoding, and engrossed in the Passover Haggadah without even realizing it. This is an incredible addition to your Passover Seder and will keep you and your family busy throughout the holiday and afterwards. I can’t wait to see what Martin comes up with next!
An enormous amount.of work...Well done!!...Everyone enjoyed trying to decipher [without much success]...Great addition to our collection of Haggadot.
My nieces and nephews really liked it. It was fun for them.
Very to try to decipher.
“The Emoji Haggadah” by Martin Bodek could add much to the Passover Seder if the group who joins it is interested in having fun while they recall the events of the ancient exodus from Egypt. Each participant can have a copy of this unique Haggadah or photocopies of various pages and when the page comes up according to the traditional reading, the participant translates or tries to translate what is pictured in Emoji with the rest of the group commenting on his reading and/or mistakes as well as what the Haggadah means to teach.
Children and adults alike will be thoroughly engaged and entranced as they try to decipher Bodek's clever graphical interpretations of the traditional Haggdah text. This book offers a great way to both follow along with the Passover story or just kill the time while your uncle is giving another long-winded explanation of an obscure episode during the Maggid portion of the Seder (while your stomach is rumbling like crazy because you've had nothing to eat besides a piece of boiled potato and a second piece of boiled potato that you snuck even though your dad said it was more than the permissible shiur. but I digress...This book is beautiful- buy it and never be bored at the Seder again!
The Emoji Haggadah is an excellent addition to this year's seder table. Bodek has translated the entire Haggadah into Emojis with a How To Read emojis to help those that are not familiar with them, To my knowledge there is not another book like this on the market. This book is a great table conversation for young and old; for those that love to solve puzzles or those that want something different this year. I can imagine family members having contests with each other to see who can decode the emojis first. I highly recommend this Haggadah.
Bodek's books always have a unique viewpoint and they all tell an interesting story. The Emoji Hagaddah again delivers on that timely topic with the unique point of view: taking the holiday to new heights by injecting it with the fun flavor of "21st century speak" aka emojis. Have fun deciphering the text and it adds new fun to the Seder.
I have the first edition of this Haggadah which was great but when I saw this new ehanced version I jumped for joy!!!...All the greatness of the first one but with thoughtful and clever upgrades like including a regular haggadah and a hint section for when you get stuck...Kudos to the author for his amazing work and detail. Looking forward to everything else he will write in the future. Keep an eye on this guy!
We bought this so we could try and puzzle out all of what the emojis mean on Pesach. We've already started and we are enjoying it a lot!